Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Micro Gallery

Here is a small piece I did for the upcoming Micro Gallery show.

I noticed that the kanji for "Ninja" sort of looked like a ninja from the side, so I whipped up this little drawing. I know I probably made some mistakes on the Japanese writing, but who cares. Close enough.

If you would like to check out the show here is some information

I do have some comics on the way. Hopefully I can draw/upload them soon. Work has been very busy lately.



Anthony Holden said...

And your calligraphy isn't half bad either...

rad sechrist said...

Oh my god, that if amazing!!!!

Kendra Melton said...

haha awesome

Megan Nicole Dong said...

Mind = blown.

The Miller Five said...

That is flippin sweet! You sooo rock.

kalonji said...

Fantastic !!

franksands said...

it would make a great t-shirt. You should send it to thinkgeek, they have some cool t-shirts with japanese characters.

Michael said...

Frank, I was looking to do a t-shirt design for Ninjerktsu. I think I will use this for it. Maybe tweak it a bit to make the drawing of the ninja a little "jerky". Thanks Frank!

And thanks for the nice comments folks!

Donnie said...

Dear God, I want that on a shirt, like yesterday!!!! Is the original art up for sale at the show?!

Michael said...

Hey Donnie,
Yeah it's for sale through Nucleus Gallery. I think the way it works though is the artists who put pieces in the show have first dibs on buying other people's artwork. If no one buys it you sure can. $20.00 bones son. Start saving.

WDCat said...


April Mack said...

Very clever! I wouldn't have seen it unless you pointed it out.

Reminds me of the calligraphy/art things that Sin Fest does. Here's one:

Haha, the word verification for my comment is "yonde," which is Japanese for "please read." I thought it was fitting. :)

EnjoyTheSauce said...

But I have to save my bones for boning!

lisbonlioness said...

Amazing what a few lines can do!

Adam Campbell said...

O_O That's incredible! I would buy a shirt of that

Kat said...

That is hilariously adorable! Definitely one for my goofy/geeky t-shirt collection :D