I just wanted to take a minute and Thank Jen at Cake Wrecks for linking to my blog. I received so many nice comments from new visitors. I've been a huge fan of Cake Wrecks for quite a while so I was super shocked to find out I was hot linked. Also, thanks to everyone who visited. I'll try to speed up my updates! I have a new ninjerktsu comic in the works and hopefully I can get it up soon.
Happy Falker Satherhood!
I have a problem with your graphic. All the words are spelled correctly. *shaking head* Amateurs.
(PS I'm glad Jenn linked to you too, your comics crack me up. SUBSCRIBED!)
You also forgot the obligatory quotes around something random like "Ben" or "ninja."
P.S. Ditto Amber's comment here. :)
Funny stuff...keep it up! ;)
I, too, am so glad Jen linked to you. I love your work! More frequent updates would be awesome. :)
Happy Falker Satherhood too you to!!!
That's what she said!
Heh. I love how a bunch of us "wreckies" have come over to the jerktsu side. :) I'm reading Jen's site still of course, but it's always nice to read another good site. Also found SMBC via your recommendation. Thanks!
Yeah, I love me some Ninjerktsu. And am doing my best to spread the word. You're a funny guy.
What does a ninja do to celebrate Falker Satherhood?
Love your site! I'm a follower, too. Your first one is great, but I love the one with the birds and the airplane!! I got tears in my eyes from laughing so hard!
Obviously, both you and Jen share the same good taste! I'm glad she linked to you, also.
Aw, it was my pleasure, Willis! I've been a subscriber/lurker since your very first post - think I found you through Super Punch.
Btw, John & I have convinced some friends to do their entire nursery in a ninja theme - kid you not! It's gonna be *awesome*. We're doing all of the painting, so I'll send you pics when we're done. :)
Happy Falker Satherhood right back at ya!
cakewrecks made me a stalker, I mean a ninja follower
cakewrecks brought me here but your creativity will keep me. awesome graphics and i love your twisted wit.
I'm glad Jen linked to you as well. I've just bookmarked you. Love the Ninja drawings. I'll have to send your link to my son-in-law. When he has a few too many beers...he thinks he's a Ninja.
I'm glad Cake Wrecks linked to you too. Your comics are great. Keep 'em comin'!
GASP. I didn't even realize Cake Wrecks linked you. I must go catch up.
I will officially take this time to point out that I am addicted to your blog. I have shown a few to my sibs as well. Lovin' it, keep it up!
Falker Satherhood is my favorite holiday!
That's how I found you, and your funny Ninjas.
Add another crummy cake crossover!
Happy Falker Satherhood! The one holiday that can happen at any time of the year, and for some Falkers can come as a complete surprise.
Yeah, Jen's link sent me here too, and I am absolutely loving everything so far - even the comics without ninjerks. The ninja->birds->airplane one made me cry "oh my god!" out loud, scaring the bejesus out of my cat. So, kudos for that! Keep it up.
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