Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jet pack

It's a Ninja free comic this time. I just wanted to try something a little different. Next one will have ninjas, I promise.

I HATE this traffic!!!!


For Christ sake It's 2009!!!!

I thought I was living in the future!! Where the HELL is my Jet Pack they always promised me!?!?!?!?!?

Sorry we're late... We've been hard at work. Here's your Jet pack.


The future begins.... NOW!!!!!!!!!


Fortunately your husband had selected our "Whole Life Insurance" coverage plan.


  1. No need for a ninja here... this one ir great!

  2. I like the ninja's please keep them in all of them..in some way

  3. Thanks Mostrok.
    JP, there actually is a Ninja in my Jet pack strip. He's hiding under the desk. Ninjas are very very sneaky.
    Early on I mentioned that I might do a few strips here and there that have nothing to do with ninjas. I'd like to post them here instead of making a whole separate blog.
    I like the scientists guys in the Jet Pack comic. I have a few quick ideas for them in the future...
    The next bunch will definitely have ninjerks in them for sure. Hang in there!
    Thanks y'all!

  4. Definitely could have used a ninja.

  5. Oh man this new one is great!

    Hey Diana - it's got JETPACKS!!! you don't need ninjas! it's awesome!

    The scientist looks like he would do some crazy throwing star modifications for ninjas - can't wait to see what you do with him! boo-ya!

  6. Another Homerun!

    Ninjerk could've been the Insurance agent or the guy selling the Jetpack.

    Pretty great though!

  7. wish my day had a jet pack....

  8. Oblivious baby on the last panel cracks me up! heh

  9. And who among us hasn't wished for a jet pack when on the 405?

    You got a mention on the Cakewrecks blog today, just to warn ya.

  10. - compliments of cakewrecks commenting on your first comic. :-)

    I love your comic!

  11. I'm another what found you via Cakewrecks, and Em's got it right. Who HASN'T wished/dreamt/begged for a jetpack (or a rocket launcher) on the 405? Especially around Mulholland.

  12. I just stumbled on your site and I just wanted to say your comics crack me up! Love the ninja :)

  13. I also found you because of the Cakewreck link, and I'm glad I clicked the link. I like this comic too, but the ninjerk is absolutely hilarious. I'll definitly keep following up on you!

    Best wishes from Holland!

  14. Another Wreckie here loving the ninjerk. I'm putting your blog on speed-dial for all my ninja needs!

  15. Love the toon - guy must have been in Charleston, SC at "rush" hour

  16. Found you via Cakewrecks. Love the comics!
