Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Apricot the Fluppit with BIID. (Body integrity identity disorder)

Apricot, would you please pass me the salt?

Sure Mom.

DAMMIT!!! Stupid black rod!!!


NO DAD! I’m SICK of this black rod on my hand. Why do we have
them?! What’s the point!?!?!

We are Fluppits Apricot! It’s not our place to question the rods.

Well I’m sorry. I won’t feel complete until it’s gone. I’ve made up
my mind. I’m getting it removed. Don’t try to talk me out of it.

Apricot, would you please pass me the salt?

Sure Mom.

Let me just...


Learn more about BIID.

Ninjas coming back soon... just having fun with some other stuff.


  1. Hahahaha! This just made my afternoon.

  2. love the sweatdrop with it's own rod!

  3. Thanks for the laughs folks! I've been wanting to draw this up for a few years. Finally got around to it.
    I'm glad the "sweat drop on rod" was clear.

  4. awesome. love the bead of sweat on the stick!

  5. I can't count how many times I laughed during this strip, but that 'sweat on a stick' made me spit coffee on my monitor.

  6. I'd never heard of BIID before. Funny AND educational . . . this is a great comic.

  7. So funny! Nice touch to double up on the "I'm trying to reach the salt" panel.

  8. Are you trying to tell us that we shouldn’t question things?

  9. Speaking as a puppeteer, I find this entirely terrifying.

    Your work is brilliant! I'm totally happy to have stumbled upon it.

  10. It's a hit! You really lent blogs a hand with this one...

  11. im totally late on this one , but its awesome to see this comic finished :)

    you have a very distinct and unique sense of humor man , its so great to see so many people vibing off it . your most recent post has the most responses ive ever seen i think

    and if you end up making ninjerktsu shirts with that logo , i have loads of experience accepting free clothes .. cause of christmas . and birthdays ... :)


  12. that last one was me .. my comp was logged to a different user . anyway , long time listener , first time caller . huge fan . it was awesome meeting you man

