Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Renaissance Festival

'Tis a fine day today archer!

Indeed good knight! Ideal weather for the jousting tournament!

The King and Queen will be-

Hey dudes. You seen any Samurai around here?

Man... what are you doing man?

Just looking for Samurai.

Yeah but this is a RENAISSANCE Festival and you're dressed up like a ninja.

We put a lot of effort into trying to accurately recreate the-

Hold on just a sec.

Kirk to Enterprise.

No sign of Captain Chewbacca or his magical TARDIS.

He might have been bewitched by Optimus Prime. I'll keep you posted.

Kirk out.


  1. Live long & prosper, Ninjerktsu.

  2. Bwha ha ha!
    Love Ninjerktsu.

  3. lol- I'm a geek so I shouldn't laugh, but I just did.

  4. That, sir, was awesome.
    *high five*

  5. Hahahaha! XD Ahhh that ninja is the best jerk of all time! :) You rock dude, this is my favourite blog :P

  6. That's the best cartoon recreation of Lost in Space I've ever seen! Good job.

  7. Genius. Leave it to a ninja to aggravate all categories of geeks.

  8. Magic using transformers? How cool is that?

  9. That ninja is so out of place at that RENAISSANCE Festival. What a funny contrast of imagery.

  10. "Captain Chewbacca or his magical TARDIS" is the best thing I've heard all day.

  11. I would have to agree with emilymichelle. (Oh man, it hurts to stifle laughter in the workplace!)

  12. Once upon a time, storm troopers invaded the Georgia Ren. Faire...

  13. Not sure why the ninja is inappropriate for a ren faire seeing as how ninja have been around since the 12th century. if you need a reason why said ninja would be in your "english" realm created in america, then perhaps he might be an hired assassin comissioned by a very wealthy lord. perhaps the mark is you. ;)
